Voices of Gospel Living: Privilege

NEC Councilor Cherryle Fruge sent this beautiful reflection to one of her fraternities.  It is shared here to remind us of the wonderful presence of God in our lives as we continue to listen for the voices of Gospel living.

By Cherryle Fruge, OFS

Dear Beloved People of God,

I apologize for my absence. I am getting far behind on a writing project that I had promised to have completed by the end of January. Please pray for me.

Since I could not be present, I wanted to leave a part of me with you… the musings within my heart. This morning something caught my attention on the second mystery of the Seven Joys of Mary.  It occurred at the visitation between Mary and Elizabeth.

I thought of the word, “privilege.”  I am a slow learner trying to understand certain words, but I remember the first time the word “privilege” flowed out of my mouth.

It was an honor to even express it, namely because I sensed without a doubt, what I was saying was influenced by God’s grace and in the presence of the Holy Spirit. That humbling moment helped me to understand what a privilege it was to speak in the presence of our Lord.

With the thought of that profound experience, I came back to what Elizabeth must have felt when Mary, the mother of Jesus, came to visit … how powerful do you think this privilege was?

The privilege was so powerful that it caused the baby in her womb to leap.

This is Leap Year and as we approach that extra day on Feb. 29 I urge you to pay close attention to what might cause your soul to leap as you come to encounter the crucified Jesus, and the results of His resurrection.

It might be very worthwhile to journal when you discover that privileged moment in His presence.

Please know that when I am with all of you, my soul leaps with joy, because I see Jesus present in you!!

His peace be with you,


His humbled little spiritual assistant

Voices of Gospel Living: Privilege

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Juan de Padilla