Local Fraternity is the Heart of the Order

(This article original appeared in the Winter 2021 TAU-USA Issue 102)


 Calling the local fraternity the “heartbeat of the order,” National Formation Commission Chair Diane Menditto, OFS, pointed to the commitment Secular Franciscans make at profession “to accompany and take care of one another on our journey to the Father.”

 In her presentation titled “Fraternity:  Our Way of Life,” Menditto elaborated on five key elements to living in communion with one another — collaboration, community, communication, commitment, and conversion.

 While explaining the art of Franciscan collaboration, she cited a report by former Minister General Emanuela DeNunzio, OFS, that represents the identity of Secular Franciscans in a triple dimension:  Personal (inner life); Fraternal (co-responsibility); and Universal (the mission).

 “The mission itself needs to be reflected not only in Gospel values, but in order to work for the fraternity, it also needs to be based on the gifts of its members,” Menditto said.

 By championing the lives of our brothers and sisters in fraternity, we strengthen each other, she said, citing the General Constitutions, Article 30.2 on how fraternity should be lived.

 “The sense of co-responsibility of the members requires personal presence, witness, prayer and active collaboration in accordance with each one’s situation and possible obligations for the animation of the fraternity,” Menditto said.

 The challenge of the community element means the “acceptance of and empathy for our brothers and sisters,” she said.

 “We can go out and support others because we know we are loved and supported,” she said.

 “We are not looking for others to serve us, but we are looking for ways to serve one another. We want to give everything we have until we have given everything, until we are poor enough to be generous.”

 The communication element means listening with patience and humility, even when one doesn’t agree. Menditto encouraged regional ministers and councilors to communicate directly with the local fraternities they represent.

 “This is one of the ways the local fraternities will know that we are listening to them,” she said.  Listening as a method of communication applies to every level of fraternity.

 “If we truly want to serve one another and others in fraternity, listening to the needs of others should, no must, be the basis for whatever we do for one another,” Menditto said.

 The fourth challenge of a Secular Franciscan is commitment to what one promised at profession.

    “By profession we are committed to God, to one another and to all creation. This is called universal kinship.”

 Living the Gospel life as a Secular Franciscan is a full-time experience, she said.

 Finally, the biggest challenge of all is daily conversion.

 “It is the only way we will accomplish the rest,” Menditto said, citing Article 7 of the Rule:  “United by their vocation as brothers and sisters of penance, and motivated by the dynamic power of the gospel, let them conform their thoughts and deeds to those of Christ by means of that radical interior change which the Gospel itself calls conversion.”

 Daily conversion helps us to strengthen our mission outlined in the Gospel.

 “This requires constant self-examination to be sure we reach out to others because we are not attached to ourselves.”  

 Using extensive quotes from “Belonging to the SFO” by Emanuela DeNunzio, OFS, (General Chapter 2008), Menditto recommended that fraternities:

  • create a School of sanctity — “Fraternity can promote in its members full development of the interior life: an intense liturgical life, sacramental and charitable life through practices such as fraternity prayer, Mass, Liturgy of the Hours, retreats and days of recollection.”
  • create a School of formation — “The spirit of belonging is nurtured when the Rule becomes the life of the brothers and sisters. It will assure a kind of assimilation of the spirit of the Rule in the life and in the history of each person. Those who are assiduous readers of the writings of Francis and of Clare and of the ancient biographies will be strengthened in their Franciscan identity. Therefore, Secular Franciscans should regularly read spiritual readings from the sources. We are agents of our own formation. We form ourselves so that we can form others.”
  • be a Witness of ecclesial communion — “It is essential that everyone make the decision to make himself/herself present in the lives of the brothers and sisters: rejoicing with those who participate, being mindful of those that do not come, trying to find the reasons for which someone has lost the motivation. In order to promote the desire to gather in fraternity, the Council should plan meetings that are pleasant, productive and enriching.”
  • participate in the apostolic purpose of the Church — “The Rule recommends being creative in our apostolic activity — examine our ministries. Society has changed, and the Church has renewed itself and is renewing itself again. The Gospel is always the same, but new approaches and new encounters with the Gospel and history are necessary.”
  • be a Presence in society — “In light of the social doctrine of the church, every fraternity should question its priorities in its own missionary commitment.”
  • ••


“The Secular Franciscan Order for an

Evangelizing Mission Together with all the Franciscan Family.” (Benedetto Lino, OFS, at the First International Congress for Missions and Evangelization-OFM-2014)

 “How Should An Order Like the OFS Be

Managed at All Its Levels?” (Benedetto Lino,

OFS, XIV General Chapter, November 2014)

“Belonging to the SFO” (Emanuela DeNunzio, OFS, General Chapter 2008)

Local Fraternity is the Heart of the Order

National Spiritual Assistants Focus on Impact of Pandemic

(This article originally from TAU-USA Issue 102 Winter 2021)

By Mary Stronach, OFS

Fr. Jerome Wolbert, OFM, CNSA President

Not surprisingly, the Conference of National Spiritual Assistants, understanding the impact that the pandemic has had on the brothers and sisters, took the opportunity to address the issues of this new reality.

“In these isolating moments, where can God be found?,” asked President- in-turn Fr. Christopher Panogoplos, TOR. “What has isolation meant to you in these areas — social, spiritual, emotional and political?”

Spiritual Impact of Pandemic

Br. Alexander Escaleras, OFM Cap, pointed to our responsibility to others. “We must consider the welfare of others who surround us even if our own life is not going the way we want it.”

He shared a personal story about his brother, Deacon Steven, who died from liver disease complications in October 2019. A few days before his death, a cleaning lady shared with him, and family members present, her own suffering having just discovered that her daughter had diabetes and other problems. His brother, who had a tracheotomy and could not speak, raised his hands in the form of prayer. “Translation: ‘I’m going to pray for

you.’ Even as he lay there dying, my brother was given the grace by God to think of others in their need.”

“Be safe and healthy,” he closed, “and may God give you His grace to think of and help the other.”

Social Effects of Pandemic

Fr. Chris Shorrock, OFM Conv, noted that social distancing goes against our psyche and our human tendencies. It can “easily lead to a sense of isolation and unrest, especially if

we are in what has been described as being vulnerable due to age or any pre- existing medical conditions.”

Quoting David Couturier OFM Cap, he said, “the challenge we face in this time of pandemic is how to deal creatively, contemplatively, and constructively with distance.”

Individuals and fraternities are discovering new ways to meet virtually on plenty of online video platforms,
he said. Prayer searches on the internet have skyrocketed. We’ve been attending Eucharist on-line; virtual groups have formed, some spiritual and others strictly social.

“Religious and spiritual practices

deliver something special when they are done socially – a deep sense of community and connection with something larger than us,” he continued.

“While these technological changes have shown promise in meeting people’s more immediate spiritual concerns, months of self-isolation, rising unemployment and mounting death tolls will surely present fresh challenges.”

Fr. Chris suggested that as we go forward, these on-line communities “will likely not be enough.” And “what about our members who are not so technically minded?” he asked. “…and not being able to honor loved ones in funeral rites? The lack of these rituals, which bring people together, will surely affect the process of grieving.”

“It is difficult to replace in-person human connection when we are at our most vulnerable,” he added.

While we may someday return to our in-person celebrations and rituals, “some things will be forever changed by the crisis. And the new skills and online practices learned at this time

will impact the ways Franciscans engage with the religious and spiritual into the future,” he said.

He concluded: “Now is the time
to be physically apart but spiritually connected, appreciative of the deepest bonds we have, in touch with the integral peace we have with God, with creation, and with one another. It is time to become ever more aware that Jesus is the God of all nearness and He is the Lord of every distance and in Him we live, move, and have our being.”

Emotional Impact of Pandemic

Fr. Jerome Wolbert, OFM, who became president-in-turn at the end of the chapter, took the conversation further by noting:

“God created us with emotions, and he saw that it was very good.”

Emotions such as anger, sorrow, confusion, anxiety or distress “play a role for us,” he said. “They can help us

to develop a greater connection and to deepen our love. Conflict, in fact, can actually help us grow in love.”

Depression is a kind of anger; anxiety can lead to anger. We have to consider the blessings of anger, he said. The question is, “how do we express it?”

“Emotions are a gift. We have to learn to unwrap them,” he added.

As an example, he identified the work of Mothers Against Drunk Drivers, who, in an “incredibly courageous act” found a way to address their anger in a positive pro-active way. We must search for “creative solutions.” He reminded attendees that while emotions such as anger are natural responses, sometimes our reactions need to be adjusted.

Political Impact of Pandemic

We develop a well-formed conscience through prayer, Fr. Christopher noted. “Don’t jump to

conclusions. Listen to what God wants. Test what we feel. Listen to what the Church has to say historically.” He added that we need quiet to listen to one another – to experience the beauty of dialogue.

He said: “Franciscans are called
to take seriously the demands of the Gospel, to be agents of reconciliation and peace. (We are called to) alleviate suffering; extend hope; provide for
the well-being of others. There can
be no two sides of this divide. All of us need to do better at encountering and accompanying one another on the journey of life.”

“Politics is something nobler than posturing, marketing, and media
spin,” he said. These sow nothing but division, conflict, and a bleak cynicism incapable of mobilizing people to pursue a common goal…In thinking of the future, we do well to ask political leaders: ‘Why are you doing this? What is your real aim?’

National Spiritual Assistants Focus on Impact of Pandemic

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Juan de Padilla