Prayer inspired by Pope Francis’ Laudate Deum

(This article originally appeared in the TAU-USA Spring 2024 Digital Issue #111)

We praise you, O God, Creator of all things,
whose mystery unfolds in a leaf, in a mountain
trail, in a dewdrop, in a poor person’s face.

Jesus, your Son, taught us to wonder
as he made his way throughout the land,
contemplating the beauty of creation.

We pray, O God, that you may stir in us
a reverent awareness of our invisible link with the
entire created world.

We pray for humility—
to remember that we, too, are created
and are not creation’s masters.

We pray for compassion—
for open eyes and hearts
to welcome those forced to flee from their homes
due to rising sea levels and drought.

We pray for repentance—
so that our thirst for power and domination
may be transformed into service.

We pray for simplicity—
and the will to turn from our greed
which impacts vulnerable people everywhere.

We pray for cultural conversion—
that we may simplify our lifestyles,
reduce pollution and waste,
and exercise prudence in our decision making.

We pray for policy changes—
that as a nation and world we may work together
to reverse the course of climate change.

Our hearts ache as we ponder:
“The world sings of an infinite Love:
how can we fail to care for it?”

We praise you, O God, confident that you work
in our hearts and through our actions.

Prayer inspired by Pope Francis’
Laudate Deum
This prayer is inspired by Laudate Deum, Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation
on care for creation in follow-up to Laudato Si’. Laudate Deum is available on
the Vatican website under “Apostolic Exhortations.”

Prayer inspired by Pope Francis’ Laudate Deum

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Juan de Padilla