Formation Friday – Prayer is Fundamental – graphic attached May 8, 2020

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The bedrock of the Secular Franciscan life is prayer


Rule Article 8


Jesus was the true worshipper of the Father, so let prayer and contemplation be the soul of all they are and do. Let them participate in the sacramental life of the Church, above all the Eucharist. Let them join in liturgical prayer in one of the forms proposed by the Church reliving the mysteries of the life of Christ.


The bedrock of the Secular Franciscan life is prayer, stemming from the example Jesus has given us in the Gospels.
Jesus prayed before, after, and during each encounter of his day.


He never moved into action without first being present to and communicating with his Father.


• It is this example that we are to follow.


All that Secular Franciscans are and do stems from this communication with God.




Prayer is Fundamental
Franciscan life focuses on


The Trinity (God desires to relate to us—the love shared by the Trinity overflows to us )


The Incarnation (The Word made flesh–”The Humility of God”)


Love (Our prayerfulness leads to loving actions)


Francis, through his prayerful relationship with Jesus, grew in his love for everyone. Like Jesus, Francis is willing to give his life for the sake of other people. This is the ordinary result of a prayerful spirit. It seeks the spirit of Jesus and is responsive to the Holy Spirit.


(See Ilia Delio, OSF, Franciscan Prayer p. 6—quoted in the Franciscan Journey)
+What part does prayer play in your daily activities and decisions?


+What is the role of the Holy Spirit in your life?


+Describe your personal communication with God.


Diane F. Menditto, OFS

Chair, National Formation Commission


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Juan de Padilla